Monday, September 25, 2006
Encuentros secretos a espaldas del pueblo mexicano, canadiense y americano. Porque tendran que protegerse en la clandestinidad??
North American Forum held in secret at Banff Springs Hotel
• U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld listed as keynote speaker; critics say presence of “war criminal” should have been announced
By Aaron Paton
Tuesday September 19, 2006
Aaron Doncaster holds the sign he carried around the Banff Springs protesting the conference that was scheduled to involve U.S. Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld.
Brendan Nogue
Banff Crag & Canyon — A handful of Banff residents are outraged the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel hosted American political leaders in a series of secret meetings with political and business leaders from Canada, Mexico and the United States.
And they’re suggesting the conference included a man some consider to be the most powerful man in America: U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
An internal document obtained by the Banff Crag & Canyon shows that Rumsfeld was scheduled to be a keynote speaker on Wednesday, Sept. 13, although no one at the hotel would confirm or deny that he was in Banff.
Reported sightings of Rumsfeld couldn’t be confirmed by the Crag, but his speech was supposed to have been entitled: Opportunities for Security Co-operation in North America -- Military-to-military Co-operation. It was scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
Sgt. Wayne Wiebe of the Banff RCMP said he had heard that internationally protected persons (IPPs) like Rumsfeld may have been coming to Banff last week but increased police security was not requested by the Banff Springs.
The 2006 North American Forum, entitled Continental Prosperity in the New Security Environment, was hosted by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives with help from the Canada West Foundation at the Springs from Sept. 12 to 14. The first North American Forum that happened in October, 2005 in Sonoma, Calif. was also kept secret.
Banff taxi driver Chris Foote said he heard rumblings of Rumsfeld’s alleged visit soon after he noticed that a Mexican Flag had been placed atop the Banff Springs.
“People should know if these people are getting together and talking,” Foote said. “(Canada, Mexico and America) have three conservative governments now and all of the sudden this is happening.”
Foote, a former Green Party candidate in Wild Rose, added that whether or not Rumsfeld was in town, many people in Banff would be appalled that the Springs was supposedly hosting a man he termed a “war criminal,” and will protest at the Banff Springs on Monday, Sept. 25 at 3 p.m.
Former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed co-chaired the event alongside former U.S. secretary of state George Shultz and former Mexican finance minister Pedro Aspe. Canadians scheduled to attend included Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day, Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier and Alberta Energy Minister Greg Melchin.
American invitees included Rumsfeld, his assistant, Lt. Gen. Gene Renuart and former secretary of energy and defence James Schlesinger.
The list also includes businessmen such as Roger Gibbins, president and CEO of Canada West Foundation, and Ron T. Covais, president of the Lockheed Martin Corporation, which is the largest weapons manufacturer in the United States.
Topics included “A Vision for North America,” “A North American Energy Strategy,” “Demographic and Social Dimensions of North American Integration,” and “Opportunities for Security Co-operation.”
John Larsen, spokesman for the North American Forum, said that the public was not notified of the closed and private meeting and would not confirm or deny that Rumsfeld or anyone else was in attendance. He said he did not know who paid for the forum.
“There are all kinds of conferences going on at the Banff Springs that draw illuminaries and if those conferences are private in nature then I think we also have to respect that these people, by nature of the offices that they hold, still have a right to a certain degree of privacy,” Larsen said.
He added that the meetings are not meant to be secret and that individuals are allowed to say if they attended the forum.
“People that are relatively senior in business… if they’re going to come to these things and put their open and frank discussions on the table in order for those conversations to be as fruitful as possible they want to think that there’s some (confidentiality).
“You can imagine that if this was all televised or open to public scrutiny, the nature of the conversations and ultimately what you would be able to do with those conversations and how far you might be able to advance the solutions around it would be different.”
The only media member invited to the event was the Wall Street Journal’s Mary Anastasia O’Grady, according to the list of participants provided to the Crag.
Banff resident Aaron Doncaster heard that Rumsfeld may have been coming last week and handed out pamphlets to customers and hotel workers at the Banff Springs soon after the event had ended.
“It disturbs me because he’s got a lawsuit against him from the American Civil Liberties Association for the torture and abuse of prisoners of war in U.S. military custody,” Doncaster said.
He added that the public should have been notified of the forum regardless of Rumsfeld’s presence in Banff.
“Protesters have a right to be heard,” Doncaster said. “That’s the most democratic way we can show our disapproval of our elected officials.”
A peaceful protest will be held outside the Banff Springs Hotel next Monday, Sept.25 at 3 p.m. on the sidewalk of Spray Avenue. The pamphlet advertising says “We are protesting the Banff Springs Hotel’s involvement in this crime of treason against Canadian, American and Mexican Citizens.”
Banff Springs spokesperson Lori Grant said it’s against the hotel’s policy to talk about any meetings or guests at the hotel.
“In Canada we have the right to protest, so they can,” Grant said.
All documents obtained by the Crag were obtained from Canadian publisher and politician Mel Hurtig.
He’s the author of political writings such as The Betrayal of Canada, The Vanishing Country and Rushing to Armageddon.
“It’s astonishing that there could be such an important meeting of so many high-level people from government and other organizations where apparently the desire was to not let the public know about these meetings,” Hurtig said. “All Canadians had best be concerned about the purpose of this conference and what went on at the conference.
“The fact that they’re having these meetings in secret is of even greater concern.”
Stockwell Day and Peter Lougheed did not immediately return phone calls but the office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Harper was not in Banff last week.
Rumours circulating in Banff said the hotel’s fourth floor was taken up by the conference and that many of its attendees showed up in the middle of the night in buses.
• U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld listed as keynote speaker; critics say presence of “war criminal” should have been announced
By Aaron Paton
Tuesday September 19, 2006
Aaron Doncaster holds the sign he carried around the Banff Springs protesting the conference that was scheduled to involve U.S. Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld.
Brendan Nogue
Banff Crag & Canyon — A handful of Banff residents are outraged the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel hosted American political leaders in a series of secret meetings with political and business leaders from Canada, Mexico and the United States.
And they’re suggesting the conference included a man some consider to be the most powerful man in America: U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
An internal document obtained by the Banff Crag & Canyon shows that Rumsfeld was scheduled to be a keynote speaker on Wednesday, Sept. 13, although no one at the hotel would confirm or deny that he was in Banff.
Reported sightings of Rumsfeld couldn’t be confirmed by the Crag, but his speech was supposed to have been entitled: Opportunities for Security Co-operation in North America -- Military-to-military Co-operation. It was scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
Sgt. Wayne Wiebe of the Banff RCMP said he had heard that internationally protected persons (IPPs) like Rumsfeld may have been coming to Banff last week but increased police security was not requested by the Banff Springs.
The 2006 North American Forum, entitled Continental Prosperity in the New Security Environment, was hosted by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives with help from the Canada West Foundation at the Springs from Sept. 12 to 14. The first North American Forum that happened in October, 2005 in Sonoma, Calif. was also kept secret.
Banff taxi driver Chris Foote said he heard rumblings of Rumsfeld’s alleged visit soon after he noticed that a Mexican Flag had been placed atop the Banff Springs.
“People should know if these people are getting together and talking,” Foote said. “(Canada, Mexico and America) have three conservative governments now and all of the sudden this is happening.”
Foote, a former Green Party candidate in Wild Rose, added that whether or not Rumsfeld was in town, many people in Banff would be appalled that the Springs was supposedly hosting a man he termed a “war criminal,” and will protest at the Banff Springs on Monday, Sept. 25 at 3 p.m.
Former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed co-chaired the event alongside former U.S. secretary of state George Shultz and former Mexican finance minister Pedro Aspe. Canadians scheduled to attend included Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day, Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier and Alberta Energy Minister Greg Melchin.
American invitees included Rumsfeld, his assistant, Lt. Gen. Gene Renuart and former secretary of energy and defence James Schlesinger.
The list also includes businessmen such as Roger Gibbins, president and CEO of Canada West Foundation, and Ron T. Covais, president of the Lockheed Martin Corporation, which is the largest weapons manufacturer in the United States.
Topics included “A Vision for North America,” “A North American Energy Strategy,” “Demographic and Social Dimensions of North American Integration,” and “Opportunities for Security Co-operation.”
John Larsen, spokesman for the North American Forum, said that the public was not notified of the closed and private meeting and would not confirm or deny that Rumsfeld or anyone else was in attendance. He said he did not know who paid for the forum.
“There are all kinds of conferences going on at the Banff Springs that draw illuminaries and if those conferences are private in nature then I think we also have to respect that these people, by nature of the offices that they hold, still have a right to a certain degree of privacy,” Larsen said.
He added that the meetings are not meant to be secret and that individuals are allowed to say if they attended the forum.
“People that are relatively senior in business… if they’re going to come to these things and put their open and frank discussions on the table in order for those conversations to be as fruitful as possible they want to think that there’s some (confidentiality).
“You can imagine that if this was all televised or open to public scrutiny, the nature of the conversations and ultimately what you would be able to do with those conversations and how far you might be able to advance the solutions around it would be different.”
The only media member invited to the event was the Wall Street Journal’s Mary Anastasia O’Grady, according to the list of participants provided to the Crag.
Banff resident Aaron Doncaster heard that Rumsfeld may have been coming last week and handed out pamphlets to customers and hotel workers at the Banff Springs soon after the event had ended.
“It disturbs me because he’s got a lawsuit against him from the American Civil Liberties Association for the torture and abuse of prisoners of war in U.S. military custody,” Doncaster said.
He added that the public should have been notified of the forum regardless of Rumsfeld’s presence in Banff.
“Protesters have a right to be heard,” Doncaster said. “That’s the most democratic way we can show our disapproval of our elected officials.”
A peaceful protest will be held outside the Banff Springs Hotel next Monday, Sept.25 at 3 p.m. on the sidewalk of Spray Avenue. The pamphlet advertising says “We are protesting the Banff Springs Hotel’s involvement in this crime of treason against Canadian, American and Mexican Citizens.”
Banff Springs spokesperson Lori Grant said it’s against the hotel’s policy to talk about any meetings or guests at the hotel.
“In Canada we have the right to protest, so they can,” Grant said.
All documents obtained by the Crag were obtained from Canadian publisher and politician Mel Hurtig.
He’s the author of political writings such as The Betrayal of Canada, The Vanishing Country and Rushing to Armageddon.
“It’s astonishing that there could be such an important meeting of so many high-level people from government and other organizations where apparently the desire was to not let the public know about these meetings,” Hurtig said. “All Canadians had best be concerned about the purpose of this conference and what went on at the conference.
“The fact that they’re having these meetings in secret is of even greater concern.”
Stockwell Day and Peter Lougheed did not immediately return phone calls but the office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Harper was not in Banff last week.
Rumours circulating in Banff said the hotel’s fourth floor was taken up by the conference and that many of its attendees showed up in the middle of the night in buses.
Representantes migrantes exigen no usar metodos represivos

Sábado 23 de septiembre de 2006
Mediante comando armado, fomenta invasiones de tierras contra sus paisanos
Incluso en su tierra natal, Ulises Ruiz propicia confrontación entre oaxaqueños
En Chalcatongo se disculpan por el daño que causa el gobernador, originario del lugar
Representantes de organizaciones de migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos exigieron al gobierno federal no usar la fuerza pública ni la represión para solucionar el conflicto en Oaxaca, por lo que la "única" salida pacífica es atender la principal exigencia de la APPO: la remoción de Ulises Ruiz como gobernador de la entidad. En la imagen, el diputado federal José Jacques, en uno de los accesos de la Secretaría de Gobernación Foto María Luisa Severiano; con información de Emir Olivares Alonso
Chalcatongo de Hidalgo, Oax., 22 de septiembre. El gobernador Ulises Ruiz Ortiz ha llevado la confrontación que sostiene con una parte considerable de la población oaxaqueña hasta ésta, su propia tierra natal, con un conflicto "pequeño", y en realidad alarmante, entre Chalcatongo y un grupo paramilitar del vecino municipio de Santo Domingo Ixcatlán, armado a instancias del propio gobernador, dicen las autoridades comunales de Chalcatongo.
"En esta zona de conflicto no hay autoridad, no hay gobierno, no hay ley que detenga a los agresores", expresan las autoridades municipales (encabezadas por el edil, Abel Nicolás Cortés, y el presidente de bienes comunales, Otilio Ruiz Cortés). Señalan que la misma policía preventiva del estado se muestra impotente para contener al grupo de invasores armados, quienes ocuparon un lugar llamado La Paz, perteneciente a los poblados de Reforma, La Paz y Allende, todos de Chalcatongo. Cómo estarán las cosas que los campesinos mixtecos han puesto un "ultimátum" al gobierno federal "para el desalojo inmediato de nuestas tierras y el desarme de los pobladores de Ixcatlán".
Hace unas semanas un sector significativo de Chalcatongo emitió una "disculpa" al pueblo de Oaxaca por las acciones de una persona originaria de aquí, el gobernador del estado, y lo declaró "no grato". Aquel documento lo firmaban, entre otros, 14 de los 18 agentes municipales, y expresaba respaldo a la protesta magisterial y popular que tiene en vilo a la entidad.
El presidente municipal priísta de Ixcatlán, Freddy Morales Arias, ha trasladado a la Mixteca Alta los estilos del Ejecutivo oaxaqueño. Pertenece al grupo (que en sus tiempos universitarios fue de porros y hoy es de políticos) encabezado por Jorge Franco Vargas, quien dejó el cargo de secretario de Gobierno en junio pasado, tras el fallido desalojo del plantón magisterial en la capital del estado, pero se le vincula con las represiones recientes contra la sección 22 del SNTE, la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (APPO) y el periódico Noticias.
Las autoridades de Chalcatongo señalan: "El comando porta armas de grueso calibre (como M1, AK47, R-15, escopeta calibre 12), según información que nos ha proporcionado la propia policía preventiva, al mando del comandante Sosa. Todos los armados visten uniforme militar".
Este enviado fue guiado al predio La Paz (mil 356 hectáreas) por el síndico municipal de Chalcatongo, David Sánchez; el regidor de Hacienda, Anastasio Mendoza Quiroz; el secretario municipal, José Ramírez Cuevas, así como el presidente y el secretario de bienes comunales, Otilio Ruiz Cortés y Avelino Aurelio Ruiz López, respectivamente.
En el lugar se encuentran destacados unos 15 policías preventivos, con tres patrullas y tiendas de campaña. A 200 metros, un autobús urbano de la empresa Tusug, completamente quemado, bloquea el camino hacia las tierras invadidas. Y aquí la historia se complica más. Según describe el secretario municipal de Hacienda, "ellos mismos, los del grupo armado, se robaron dos camiones en la ciudad de Oaxaca el 7 de septiembre. Hasta Nochixtlán los manejaron los choferes de la empresa; allí los bajaron, y el propio Freddy Morales manejó uno hasta Ixcatlán, y el otro, uno de sus ayudantes".
Las autoridades de Chalcatongo expresan que la intención de los paramilitares era culpar a la APPO del robo. En Ixcatlán los vehículos fueron quemados por los priístas; los policías preventivos lo confirman hoy ante el reportero. Días después fueron remolcados con una retroexcavadora hasta el sitio denominado Brazo de Ocote Colorado, donde acampaban los policías y los hicieron retroceder hasta el poblado La Paz. "Su idea es decir que nosotros robamos, quemamos y pusimos los camiones, y así nos culpan a nosotros y a la APPO", dice el síndico.
Esta mañana, los policías preventivos se mostraron temerosos de aproximarse al primer autobús quemado, y quisieron impedir que lo hicieran las autoridades de Chalcatongo y el reportero. Dijo el síndico: "Ellos saben que los de Ixcatlán están armados y podrían venadearnos". No obstante, fuimos hasta el lugar, desde donde se distinguen ya las primeras casuchas que levantan los invasores. No hay evidencias de que el autobús haya sido incendiado allí; en cambio, se ven en el lodo las huellas profundas de la maquinaria que arrastró el cascarón del vehículo calcinado.
Guerra contra su terruño
Las autoridades (perredistas por cierto) de Chalcatongo responzabilizan directamente al gobernador, pues en su "guerra" contra su tierra natal, que para colmo ya no vota por el PRI, hizo promesas de campaña a sus correligionarios de Ixcatlán que luego no ha cumplido, y para subsanarlas propició esta invasión a fines de 2005.
Toda acción institucional favorece a los invasores, repiten una y otra vez los de Chalcatongo mientras recorremos el lugar. "Les ayudaron a conseguir armas de uso exclusivo del Ejército, y los usan para difamar a nuestro municipio, y también a la APPO" (de la cual por cierto se deslindan como autoridades municipales, aunque expresan simpatía off the record). Más explícito es el respaldo al movimiento magisterial y popular por el delegado distrital del PRD, Jacobo Jiménez, quien observa a la distancia nuestro recorrido.
"Cómo vamos a obedecer a las instituciones y a las leyes si no se están aplicando con justicia", dice don Avelino, secretario de bienes comunales. Por ello, el documento del municipio, que se hizo público este jueves, manifiesta: "Desconocemos a cualquier funcionario de gobierno que no cuenta con carácter y autoridad suficiente para solucionar esta invasión y la agresión a nuestro pueblo."
El gobierno ha montado un presunto "diálogo entre las partes" que sólo ha servido para aplazar la solución. Las autoridades de Chalcatongo exigen en su escrito "la presencia de la Secretaría de Gobernación en el lugar de los hechos hasta dar solución definitiva a la problemática generada por la invasión; de lo contrario, no nos prestaremos a seguir dialogando. Denunciamos que hasta hoy, el proceso de diálogo sólo ha servido para que los invasores se organicen, se armen y entren en nuestras tierras".
Desconfiando de la administración estatal, solicitan "una investigación profesional para dar con el paradero de los delincuentes que incendiaron los carros urbanos que fueron arrumbados por Santo Domingo Ixcatlán en la localidad de La Paz, así como proceder penalmente en contra de Freddy Morales Arias, por ser el responsable de estos hechos".
También responzabilizan al presidente municipal de Ixcatlán por "los hechos violentos que llegaran a suceder", así como a los gobiernos federal y estatal, "que hasta ahora no han tenido capacidad para detener las actitudes autoritarias y delincuenciales de Santo Domingo Ixcatlán. No es posible que ante el vacío de autoridad que hay en nuestro estado surjan grupos armados que actúan con total impunidad".
Perverto cuida tu Iglesia y deja la politica
México, D.F. - Lunes 25 de Septiembre de 2006
Versión para imprimir
Protestan frente a la catedral
También se dieron cita un grupo reducido de perredistas a quienes los elementos de la Policía les impidieron el ingreso.
Cartulinas en las que se leía “Un violador es un delincuente aun y con sotana”, “No queremos niños violados en el reino de los cielos” y muñecas violadas que sangraban, fue una de las protestas que llegaron ayer a las puertas de la Catedral Metropolitana durante la misa que ofició el cardenal Norberto Rivera Carrera, quien fue acusado de “conspiración a la pederastía” el pasado martes ante la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles.
Jóvenes con la cara pintada protestaron en silencio y permanecieron con cartulinas, en una de las cuales cuestionaban: “Dios no protege a los pederastas ¿y usted cardenal?”, “El abuso sexual contra menores es un delito que la Iglesia no debe ocultar”.
También se dieron cita un grupo reducido de perredistas a quienes los elementos de la Policía les impidieron el ingreso, por lo que las puertas de la Catedral fueron cerradas durante 15 minutos. Sin embargo, el incidente no pasó a mayores y los simpatizantes de Andrés Manuel López Obrador se retiraron, no sin antes señalar que sólo iban a rezar por AMLO y por los pobres.
Derechos Reservados © Grupo Editorial Milenio 2006
Versión para imprimir
Protestan frente a la catedral
También se dieron cita un grupo reducido de perredistas a quienes los elementos de la Policía les impidieron el ingreso.
Cartulinas en las que se leía “Un violador es un delincuente aun y con sotana”, “No queremos niños violados en el reino de los cielos” y muñecas violadas que sangraban, fue una de las protestas que llegaron ayer a las puertas de la Catedral Metropolitana durante la misa que ofició el cardenal Norberto Rivera Carrera, quien fue acusado de “conspiración a la pederastía” el pasado martes ante la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles.
Jóvenes con la cara pintada protestaron en silencio y permanecieron con cartulinas, en una de las cuales cuestionaban: “Dios no protege a los pederastas ¿y usted cardenal?”, “El abuso sexual contra menores es un delito que la Iglesia no debe ocultar”.
También se dieron cita un grupo reducido de perredistas a quienes los elementos de la Policía les impidieron el ingreso, por lo que las puertas de la Catedral fueron cerradas durante 15 minutos. Sin embargo, el incidente no pasó a mayores y los simpatizantes de Andrés Manuel López Obrador se retiraron, no sin antes señalar que sólo iban a rezar por AMLO y por los pobres.
Derechos Reservados © Grupo Editorial Milenio 2006