Tuesday, October 31, 2006


AMLO: Oaxaca Situation Unacceptable

Mexico, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) Mexican opposition leader Andres Manuel Lopez
Obrador called indignant and unacceptable the situation in Oaxaca with an
anti-popular, sinister, repressive governor. # New Yorkers Mourn Oaxaca

In a letter to the nation, the ex presidential candidate that the Federal
Police occupation does not help improve the situation, adding as sole solution
Gov. Ulises Ruíz" resignation.

Obviously, most of the locals reject Ruiz, and called a barbarism to keep him
through force and oppression, adding that no one should tolerate such atrocity.

The Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca called its supporters and the
general population to barricade and stand up against the Federal Police.
National Alliance for Human Rights
Press Advisory
"Human Rights Activists Protest Mexican President Vicente Fox's Use of Force in Oaxaca"
October 30, 2006

Today, Monday, October 30, the National Alliance for Human Rights (NAHR), a human rights, social justice, and political empowerment network of persons and organizations is holding a protest /press conference at "Noon" in front of the Mexican Consulate in San Bernardino, located at 293 N. "D" Street, in protest against Mexico's President Vicente Fox's decision use of the federal police (PFP- la Policia Federal Preventiva) in the storming of the city of Oaxaca, yesterday, Sunday.

A delegation of the NAHR, while in Mexico attending Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador National Democratic Convention in Mexico City on September 17, traveled to the city of Oaxaca to lend support to the people's struggle to oust Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz and effectuate needed social change among the state's impoverished masses.

NAHR joins in solidarity with scores of concerned groups and persons from throughout California and the country in protesting against the use of armed force by President Vicente Fox to resolve the nearly five-month old crisis. Today's protests at various Mexican Consulates, seek to pressure President Fox to recall-off the federal police, reject the use of force, and resolve the escalating "Oaxacan Crisis" via negotiations.

According to NAHR Coordinator Armando Navarro, "As a result of the visit to Oaxaca, the NAHR has maintained contact with APPO, la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca. Impelled by a profound spirit of solidarity with APPO, the teachers, and the people of Oaxaca, NAHR emphatically denounces the armed incursion by the federal police into Oaxaca.

We are voicing a profound sense of urgency that President Fox instead of resorting to a negotiated settlement is opting for the use armed force, which now threatens Mexico's stability." Navarro added, "The rapidly escalating unrest in Oaxaca has reached such a precarious level that it could trigger a violent contagion throughout Mexico, ultimately precipitating a violent and bloody revolution."

El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz./
Respect for the rights of others is peace.

Benito Juarez


“Human Rights Activists Protest Mexican President Vicente Fox’s Use of Force in Oaxaca”

National Alliance for Human Rights
(Alianza Nacional pro Derechos Humanos)

P.O.Box 5617
Riverside, California 92517

30 de Octubre, 2006

Vicente Fox Quesada
Presidente de la Republica
Residencia Oficial de los Pinos Casa Miguel Alemán
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, C.P. 11850
Distrito Federal, México

Señor Presidente Vicente Fox Quesada:

De parte de La Alianza Nacional pro Derechos Humanos en los Estados Unidos, le envió esta carta con gran preocupación de su decisión alarmante de enviar a 4,500 elementos de la Policía Federal Preventiva (PFP) a Oaxaca para desalojar y tomar control de la cuidad utilizando las fuerzas armadas. Usted como presidente, hoy se encuentra en una transición política de su poder ejecutivo y no necesita como parte de su legado histórico un acontecimiento sangriento y destructivo, como el que ocurrió en Tlatelolco el año 1968 que dañará la paz y tranquilidad del país. Le suplicamos que la violencia causada por la intervención de la PFP abierto la puerta para mas violencia y no va resolver la crisis en Oaxaca. Que a lo contrario, la crisis se puede exacerbar.

Como resultado, México hoy se encuentra en una crisis política y coyuntura precaria e peligrosa que amenaza la estabilidad del país. La intervención armada de el PFP en Oaxaca, ayer deja dos muertes y varios heridos. El viernes pasado, hubo un tiroteo en el municipio de Santa Lucia del Camino, Oaxaca donde fallecieron tres personas, incluyendo el camarógrafo estadounidense Bradely Wheyler. Es aparente que la violencia y no una paz negociada a prevalecido.

Por las razones anteriores, le urgimos que con toda rapidez usted como Presidente de México, con la autoridad ejecutiva que ejerce, haga un llamado inmediato a retornar al dialogo y negociaciones con la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos (APPO) y la sección 22 del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE), en la búsqueda de una solución pacifica.

Como entidad de derechos humanos, estamos solidarios y unidos con el pueblo Oaxaqueño, que simplemente busca la paz, justicia social y que se le respeten sus derechos humanos. Por eso, le sugiramos que retorne con rapidez al camino del dialogo e negociaciones con APPO y SNTE.
También le recordamos, que esta crisis en Oaxaca rápidamente se puede solucionar con la resignación o destitución del Gobernador Ulesis Ruiz Ortiz. Desde la visita de nuestra delegación a Oaxaca el 17 de Septiembre, nos hemos mantenidos enterados de la creciente crisis en Oaxaca y seguiremos haciéndolo hasta que se logre una solución pacifica y justa.

Quiero destacar y reiterar el punto de la carta anterior que le enviamos el 18 de Octubre, que la crisis en Oaxaca a llegado a un apogeo político peligroso con implicaciones dañinas y severas no nomás para Oaxaca pero también para La Republica. Mas que nunca, México hoy se necesita su liderazgo para crear un país de paz y justicia social para todos y no uno de conflicto armado y inestabilidad.

Por último, lo que necesita Oaxaca y el país en general es una nueva política de desarrollo económico “justo” y “progresista” comprometida a combatir la pobreza crónica que particularmente prevalece en Oaxaca y que en gran parte impulsa la crisis. El pueblo Oaxaqueño lo pide y lo merece.

Muchas Gracias por La Atención.


Armando Navarro, Ph.D.
ANDH Coordinador Nacional

National Alliance for Human Rights

Press Advisory

“Human Rights Activists Protest Mexican President Vicente Fox’s Use of Force in Oaxaca”

October 30, 2006

Contact Person: Armando Navarro, Ph.D., NAHR Coordinator, (951) 333-6819

Today, Monday, October 30, the National Alliance for Human Rights (NAHR), a human rights, social justice, and political empowerment network of persons and organizations is holding a protest /press conference at “Noon” in front of the Mexican Consulate in San Bernardino, located at 293 N. “D” Street, in protest against Mexico’s President Vicente Fox’s decision use of the federal police (PFP- la Policia Federal Preventiva) in the storming of the city of Oaxaca, yesterday, Sunday.

A delegation of the NAHR, while in Mexico attending Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador National Democratic Convention in Mexico City on September 17, traveled to the city of Oaxaca to lend support to the people’s struggle to oust Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz and effectuate needed social change among the state’s impoverished masses.

NAHR joins in solidarity with scores of concerned groups and persons from throughout California and the country in protesting against the use of armed force by President Vicente Fox to resolve the nearly five-month old crisis. Today’s protests at various Mexican Consulates, seek to pressure President Fox to recall-off the federal police, reject the use of force, and resolve the escalating “Oaxacan Crisis” via negotiations.

According to NAHR Coordinator Armando Navarro, “As a result of the visit to Oaxaca, the NAHR has maintained contact with APPO, la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca. Impelled by a profound spirit of solidarity with APPO, the teachers, and the people of Oaxaca, NAHR emphatically denounces the armed incursion by the federal police into Oaxaca. We are voicing a profound sense of urgency that President Fox instead of resorting to a negotiated settlement is opting for the use armed force, which now threatens Mexico’s stability.”

Navarro added, “The rapidly escalating unrest in Oaxaca has reached such a precarious level that it could trigger a violent contagion throughout Mexico, ultimately precipitating a violent and bloody revolution.”

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