Sunday, July 30, 2006
La Asamblea en pleno de la RWDSU y la Resolucion

La resolucion de apoyar la peticion de millones de mexicanos...VOTO POR VOTO

Resolution No. 15
National Elections in Mexico
WHEREAS, The RWDSU is proud to represent many workers who are immigrants to the United States and Canada, including workers from Mexico; and
WHEREAS, As citizens of Mexico, many of these RWDSU members joined with almost 40 million other Mexicans to vote in the July 2, 2006 national elections to elect a new president and legislature; and
WHEREAS, The preliminary results announced by the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) confirms that the presidential election is the closest in modern Mexican history with the declared leader, Felipe Calderón of the National Action Party (PAN), winning by only 0.58 of one percentage point over the second place vote getter, López Obrador of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD); and
WHEREAS, This represents less than 250,000 votes out of the 40 million votes officially cast; and
WHEREAS, There have been serious accusations of voter irregularity in many different parts of the country; and
WHEREAS, Many of Mexico’s trade unions have expressed deep concern about the alleged voter irregularities and have supported calls for a recount; and
WHEREAS, The RWDSU as a democratic trade union supports the will of Mexico’s people to choose through free elections their representatives in government just as it supports the right of all peoples around the world to democratically elect their own leaders; therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the RWDSU supports calls by the Mexican people and trade unions for a complete recount of all the votes cast for president in the July 2, 2006 national elections; and be it further
RESOLVED: That this recount should precede immediately so that the will of the Mexican people to freely elect their own leaders can be realized.