Friday, July 21, 2006
Publico un breve extracto del Washington Post, la version completa esta en nuestro sitio en Ingles. Para este articulista no hay final todavia. Lo bueno es que nosotros si tenemos nuestro propio final y ese sera claro, la voluntad de las mayorias, tan tan.
Special to's Think Tank Town
Thursday, July 20, 2006; 12:00 AM
Cliffhanger. That's the best way to describe Mexico's still unresolved July 2 presidential elections. Conjuring memories in the United States of butterfly ballots and hanging chads, it may be as long as the end of August before Mexicans and the rest of the world know who will govern their country for the next six years.
Special to's Think Tank Town
Thursday, July 20, 2006; 12:00 AM
Cliffhanger. That's the best way to describe Mexico's still unresolved July 2 presidential elections. Conjuring memories in the United States of butterfly ballots and hanging chads, it may be as long as the end of August before Mexicans and the rest of the world know who will govern their country for the next six years.