Thursday, August 31, 2006


Han leido la constitucion mexicana?

Carta enviada por Al Rojas respondiedo al Chicago Tribune por su afirmacion de que Lopez Obrador debe aceptar los resultados del TRIFE.
Anexamos tambien l;a carta de Maylen de La Rosa donde igual que Al, contesta articulos poco profundos e ignorantes de la situacion politica que enfrenta nuestro pais al periodico Globe and Mail, periodico nacional en Canada.
Asi como Al Rojas y Maylen , seria muy importante que muchos de nosotros en el extranjero contestaramos los articulos que demeritan la causa y que pretenden ser inductivos de actitudes agachonas ante el fraude electoral.


Dear Executive Editor..
Chicago Tribune

I read in your editorial section of your newspapers position on the Mexican Presidential election, that the PRD/PT/Convergencia Presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador(AMLO),should accept the results of the Tribunal,much less the voting results of the "Electoral Federal Institute."

Is an insult to all of us 15,000,000 MILLION Mexicanos that voted in what one would believe as your paper states a "Democratic Election",you see it is not about the candidate,this is about a Democratic principal,that in a Democratic electoral system we as citizens who are begged and hounded by these very institutions to participate and in protecting the process and its transparency question the process, in this case to exhaust the element of "Due Process" , in every case within the bounds of Legislative law, we question why you are making these "Official" declarations since the Tribunal has not exhausted the Process, I believe that your newspaper has violated the voters rights of the "Appelants"by making statements, that AMLO give up his citizens right of Appeal and his right to exhaust the Mexican constitution regarding the alleged "FRAUD"..

Our organization has since 1991 participated in State, Federal Mexican elections as observers, believe me we can attest to the "Fraud" that was perpetrated and coordinated by the FOX/PAN government, we have observer witnesses where the fraud was willfully commited,lets take the "Mexican vote abroad", are you aware that the RE (Secretary DE Relations Exterior) allowed it's Federal public agency,el Instituto Mexicano el Exterior"(IME) allowed the lobbying of its members (IME) to push for Presidents FOX legislation, if you do not know its your business to know, in other words why did "Santiago Creel" Federal agency chief allow their federal agency SRE (IME) to use public funds,.total of 300,000,000 pesos, in making sure that only a few Mexicans abroad would have the right to register to Vote and exclude those Mexican Migrant workers from voting, now mind you at one time Mr. Santiago Creel was a PAN Presidential candidate (Fox 's preferred candidate) the actions of the Federal governments use of Federal money to be used in order to "Lobby"for partisan legislation, is questionable,but this is the tip of the iceberg.

You know what happened in "Florida" and "Ohio" BUSH never "Won" he was appointed by the Conservative Republican US Supreme Court, you and I know that in this country (USA) 50% or less of registered voters,vote,what the Mexican people are doing is fighting to expose the corrupt practices of the PAN Government, they are questioning the electoral process and they have that right, you may have the freedom of speech in your country and exercise that right, but what gives you the right to tell your readers that while the exhaustive remedy in the appellant Tribunal has not even released the results that you jump at conviction prior to allowing the Judiciary process to go forward is hypocritical and malicious on your part as a Journalist.

You need to have your reporters or yourself first find all the "Elements of the Facts",Mr Obrador represents a demand from all of us and that is to protect our Vote and not allow what happened in the US elections to accept the intentional "Fraud" that we now have a President that was never elected and we DID AND said NOTHING !!.
We Mexicans believe that you do us a disservice in your Professional capacity to make such disparging and uninformed official public statements,you are in error as to why AMLO and the people that voted for him continue to question the Institutions and apply and exhaust thier right to legal remedy in the Mexican Electoral code and the Mexican Constitution something that George Bush no longer respects but Violates every day should we not hold him resposible ? or that we not question, because he is the questionable President ??.

Al Rojas
Sacramento California
(916) 712-4251

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