Tuesday, August 15, 2006



Nos hacen llegar los activistas de California la siguiente informacion. Esta declaratoria y resolucion de apoyo logrado Michael Roskey,Dennis Gonzalez,y Alejandro Garza , se une a la incansable lucha y logros de AL Rojas, el padre Luis Angel Nieto, nuestro diputado Jose Jacques, la incansable Maria Curry, la gente entrona de Tijuana, y claro el enorme esfuerzo de coordinacion de Talia Vazquez.
Esto apenas empieza, favor de mantenerse atentos a este blog porque estaremos dando a conocer las siguientes acciones de resistencia en el extranjero. Y adelante Canada, Espana, Francia, Belgica, Turquia y todos los lugares donde exista un mexicanos comprometido hasta alla legara la lucha...

Estimandos Hermanos Y Hermanas !!.

Un Saludo Fuerte.

Este fines de semana los Lideres de Nuestro Sindicato el SEIU local 1000,que representa 100,000 miembros y trabajadores del estado de California,sector Publico ,en su reunion estatal en la cuidad de Oakland California apoyaron con una resolucion unanamente el apoyo sobre la lucha sobre el reconteo del

la lucha contra el fraude electoral de las eleciones Presidenciales de el 2 de Julio ,2006 ,en Mexico

La resolucion se apoya en que el Presidente de el SEIU Local 1000 enviara un carta a todos los lideres y los Locales y sus miembros ( I.8 milliones de miembros ) del SEIU Internacionalmente en que ellos tambien consideren y adoptar la resolucion del "Voto Por Voto y Casilla Por Casilla" y a La Union Nacional de Trabajadores (UNT).

Este apoyo se llevara acabo con multitude de organizaciones comunitarias Nacionalmente y con otras organizaciones nacionales en el Exterior.

Por Favor de difundir esta informacion,quiero darles saber delel buen trabajo de parte de,Michael Roskey,Dennis Gonzalez,y Alejandro Garza y todos nuestros miembros y el Liderasco del SEIU Local 1000.Hace falta el apoyo de su organizacio
si no lo ha hecho por favor de apoyar el "VOTO POR VOYO Y CASILLA POR CASILLA !!!.


Al Rojas.
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
North Americans for Democracy in Mexico (NADM)
Frente de Mexicanos en el Exterior (FME)

Agenda Item: 13(R)

Subject: Recount in Mexican Election, 2006

Submitted By: Michael Roskey, President DLC 767,Chair, Lavender Committee

Dennis Gonzales, President DLC 742, Chair, Latino/Latina Committee


Therefore be it resolved that Service Employee International Union, Local 1000, supports the demand of a full recount of the vote in the Mexican Presidential Election 2006 (voto por voto, casilla por casilla).

Be it further resolved this resolution shall be forwarded to the SEIU International leadership for dissemination to all SEIU locals and to other labor bodies for their consideration and adoption .


Whereas since 1999 Service Employees International Union, Local 1000, has sought to foster understanding of the situation for unions and working sisters and brothers in Mexico through the sponsorship of international delegations;

And whereas these sisters and brothers have expressed the interest of our local in democratic unions and political processes both here and around the world through these delegations;

And whereas these delegations have also informed our members of the struggles of Mexican sisters and brothers in fighting for the same rights that we are, against many of the same obstacles;

And whereas the issue of election irregularities and the exclusion of the disenfranchised is an increasing component of many elections here and abroad;

And whereas efforts have multiplied both here and abroad that are designed to deprive working people of a voice in the political processes that affect their lives;

And whereas serious complaints of election irregularities including, but not limited to, uncounted ballots and corporate media manipulation have been submitted and raised in recent presidential elections in Mexico;

And whereas the conduct of these elections have raised widespread concern for the democratic right of our sisters and brothers in Mexico to free and fair political elections;

And whereas the principal opposition candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, those political parties that support him and many community organizations have called for a full recount of the vote in that election (vote by vote, precinct by precinct);

And whereas the progressive Mexican labor federation, the Union Nacional de Trabajadores (UNT), has supported the call for a recount and has asked for support to all other labor organizations nationally and internationally;

Therefore be it resolved that Service Employee International Union, Local 1000, supports the demand of a full recount of the vote in the Mexican Presidential Election 2006 (voto por voto, casilla por casilla).

Be it further resolved this resolution shall be forwarded to the SEIU International leadership for dissemination to all SEIU locals and to other labor bodies for their consideration and adoption .

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